Points for New Zealand-SMC

The points system for the Skilled Migrant Category (SMC) Resident Visa in New Zealand. This information is extremely valuable for individuals considering applying for this visa. Here’s a summary of the key points and associated scores:

Points for Age:

  • 20-39 years: 30 points
  • 40-44 years: 20 points
  • 45-49 years: 10 points
  • 50-55 years: 5 points

Points for Skilled Employment:

  • Already working in skilled employment in New Zealand: 50 points
  • Working in an area of absolute skills shortage: 10 points
  • Working in a region outside Auckland: 30 points
  • Have pay above the high remuneration threshold: 20 points

Points for Recognized Qualifications:

  • Level 3 to 6 on the NZQF (i.e., Trade Qualification, Diploma): 40 points
  • Level 7 or 8 on the NZQF (i.e., Bachelor's degree, Bachelor’s Degree with Honors): 50 points
  • Level 9 or 10 on the NZQF (i.e., Postgraduate): 70 points

Points for New Zealand Qualification:

  • 2 years of full-time study in New Zealand completing a postgraduate degree: 15 points
  • 1 year of full-time study in New Zealand completing a postgraduate degree: 10 points
  • 2 years of full-time study in New Zealand completing a Bachelor's degree: 10 points
  • Recognized level 4-8 qualification (Before 25 July 2011): 5 points
  • Any recognized qualification started before 25 July 2022 - 2 years or more: 5 points

Points for Skilled Work Experience:

  • 2 Years: 10 points
  • 4 Years: 20 points
  • 6 Years: 30 points
  • 8 Years: 40 points
  • 10 Years or more: 50 points

Points for New Zealand Work Experience:

  • At least one year of New Zealand work experience: 10 points
  • 2-5 years of work experience in an area of absolute skills shortage: 10 points
  • 6 years or more work experience in an area of absolute skills shortage: 15 points

Points for Partner Credentials:

  • Partner working in skilled employment or offered skilled employment in New Zealand: 20 points
  • Partner has a recognized qualification Level 7-8: 10 points
  • Partner has a recognized qualification Level 9-10: 20 points

This detailed breakdown provides a comprehensive understanding of the criteria and points allocation for the Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa, allowing potential applicants to assess their eligibility and plan their immigration strategy accordingly.

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